How to roll with the punches like Rocky Balboa

We can all learn from role models and we can all take inspiration from others. It can be the people who are closest to us – family and friends – or celebrities, sports people, musicians… it doesn’t really matter.

It is what we get and what we learn from them that counts.

Inspiration can come from the unlikeliest of sources too – including fictional characters from the silver screen, such as the iconic Italian Stallion, star of the boxing ring, Rocky Balboa.

So, what can we learn about life from Rocky?

You have to fight through adversity

As a true fighter, Rocky Balboa represents how you have to battle through life at times. It can be a struggle and things can get difficult: at school, in relationships, or in business.

Whilst some people seem to live a charmed life where things just naturally seem to fall into place for them; for the vast majority of us life has a habit of dealing us setbacks from time to time. It is how you deal with these setbacks, and the importance of keeping going – fighting on – that is vital.

Rocky Balboa has to deal with a lot, from losses in the ring to the death of his wife and best friend. But, he always keeps going.

Hardships and experiences that try and test us are often the making of a person too. They are where you are forced to show your true character. They will help you grow as a person.

Take things one step at a time

Another thing we can learn from Rocky Balboa is the need to stay positive. When faced with difficulty and that feeling of ‘Catch 22’ and being stuck in a rut, it’s all too easy to allow ourselves to be consumed by negativity. In the first film of the Rocky series, Balboa is a small-time boxer who seems to be going nowhere fast – but by taking small steps he manages to move his life forward against all the odds. In Rocky IV, Balboa is forced to push himself harder than ever before in his training to take on an intimidating opponent, Ivan Drago.

Have a mentor or a coach

It says it all that as we look at what we learn from the character of Rocky Balboa, we can appreciate that Rocky himself learned a lot from another person throughout the film series. Retired boxer, Mickey Goldmill, is the mentor that guides Balboa through his toughest and darkest of times. The message is that everybody needs somebody to help them at some point.

Have self-belief

Although, like everyone, Rocky Balboa has some serious moments of self-doubt occasionally, it is his self-belief that really keeps him going. Balboa believes in himself. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else is likely to. Rocky has a dream and he has the determination and self-belief that is necessary to succeed again and again.

Take inspiration from the true fighter that is Rocky Balboa. The character displays drive, determination and good old-fashioned fighting spirit. We can all learn something from him.

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